
    • Für
    • Ärzte
    15.03. - 16.03.2024

    5 th International Epilepsy Symposium KEH Berlin

    Lecture I: Seizure semiologies in children; Lecture II: Seizure semiologies in adults; Workshop: Part I “Children and adolescents”; Or: Part II “Adults”; Starting antiseizure medication; Stopping antiseizure medication; Workshop: Interactive case discussions; Part I “Monitoring of cognitive functions”; Part II “Patients with intellectual disability”; Workshop: Interactive case discussions; Part III “Contraception, folic acid supplementation, pregnancy, breastfeeding”; Or: Part IV “Drug-resistant epilepsy”; Key note lecture: Seizure detection and prediction; Saturday: Topic: Epilepsy surgery case conference: Lecture I: Video-EEG; Lecture IV: Genetic diagnostics; Epilepsy Surgery Conference (Case discussions led by the four lecturers) Workshop / Interactive case discussions: Part I: “Postsurgical management” ; Or: Part II: “Neuropathological genetics”; Key note lecture: Outcome of antiseizure medication – what is important for patients, physicians and the public?

    Freitag, 15. März 2024, 10.00 Uhr bis Samstag, 16. März 2024, 14.00 Uhr
    Anmeldung über:


    Ev. Krankenhaus Königin Elisabeth Herzberge (KEH)
    Herzbergstr. 79
    10365 Berlin

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